While I am prepping promotional materials and changing citation styles for an article (ouch), I shouldn’t be blogging, so I am not. Instead to continue the monsters theme, I post my new favorite Sesame Street skit (which aired last year) entitled True Mud.
Sesame Street’s True Mud on YouTube
This is, of course, a parody of HBO’s True Blood, which returns to television this week. Unfortunately, I do not pay for such rights, and I am a season behind anyway. I like how all the patrons stare at the handsome (by muppet standards) Bill and ponder if he is really a “grouch.” Only grouches (monsters) would want mud. In the mean time, I’ve picked up Richard Kearney’s Strangers, Gods and Monsters: Interpreting Otherness, which is not for the philosophically faint of heart. Watch out for strangers in general and those who ask for mud in particular. Grouches could always be lurking nearby.