
Breaking, Not Yielding

So, I convinced Chris to watch Nanette , which is Australian comedian Hannah Gadsby’s Netflix special. (Here’s the trailer.) I had heard from a number of women that it was remarkable, and I assumed that they meant remarkably funny. And I was reminded of the show when this image popped up in my Facebook feed: Seriously, this is […]

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Nail Polish and Boys

*My kiddo had his first memorable brush with gender policing.* Last week, the kiddos and I were watching a movie in our living room strewn with stuffed animals and the occasional Lego. While they watched a movie we’ve already watched at least a dozen times, I tried to finish an assignment on my laptop. (This

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The Problem With Nice

*Nice pretends to be a virtue, but kindness actually is.* “I was just trying to be nice.” “I just wanted to be nice.” “Not nice,” I say to the toddler after he bludgeons his sister with a random toy, “NOT NICE.” I find myself thinking about “nice” a lot lately, often before recounting a story

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Sexism Ed Redux

*The academy has a gender problem. And it’s not new.* So, Sexism Ed has been out for 28 days. (Who’s counting? I am clearly.) And there are few things that I want to direct your attention to. First, The Revealer published an excerpt recently, which is one of my favorite essays on all the men who pretend

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Sexism Ed, Coming Soon

*We live in a patriarchy, but I had hoped that academia was somehow better than the culture surrounding it.* So, I’m late on this (because deadlines and life), but Sexism Ed: Essays on Gender and Labor in Academia is now available for pre-order. As you might already know, this is my newest book, and it will be

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